Swelling of the gums

Swelling of the gums
Swelling of the gums

Swelling of the gums

The health of your mouth is considered an important and essential component of your overall health. This is why various dental and gastrointestinal diseases stay away from you, including gum swelling. Gums should be as healthy as your teeth - your gums should be clean - solid and pink in color. Swollen gums or gums, also known as Gingival Swelling.

I get swollen gums and come out ', which causes a feeling of pain and discomfort in the gums, and sometimes the gums start bleeding and the gums feel red.

Causes of gingivitis

There are several reasons for gum swelling.

Gingivitis is actually a gum disease, which causes gums to swell and also causes discomfort. This is the most common cause of swollen gums.

Its symptoms are very mild, but if left untreated, the condition becomes severe. This is called Periodontitis and can lead to tooth loss. Inflammation of the gums is actually due to bad mouth cleaning condition. The plaque begins to form with the gums and on the teeth. If the plaque sticks to the teeth and is not cleaned, then it goes to tartarben, which subsequently causes inflammation in the gums.

Soi nutrition

Vitamin B12 and vitamin C deficiency in the body cause gum inflammation and this is because vitamin C plays a vital role in repairing the teeth and gums and keeping their health and Vitamin B12 relieves toothache and aches and inflammation.


Dental pain and gum swelling are a common problem during pregnancy.

Due to hormone changes in the body, the blood circulates towards your gums, thus causing gums to feel discomfort and swelling. Changes in hormones also interfere with the body's ability to fight germs.

There is an infection in the gum. It increases the chances of developing gum inflammation.

In addition, infections caused by viruses and fungi also cause gum swelling. If you have any epsis, it can cause severe gum swelling. Thrush is caused by an increase in production and it exacerbates the inflammation of the gums, which subsequently causes sore pus in the gums and the gums begin to swell.

Symptoms of inflamed gums

Bleeding from the gums.

Breathlessness in the breath.

Red and swollen gums.

Increasing the space between the teeth.


If your gum swelling has been in place for more than 2 weeks and no improvement in this condition is necessary, it is essential to go to a specialist to look into your gum swelling and its causes. The mouthwash will suggest a reduction in gum swelling and plaque.

Surgery is advised in the most severe cases of gum inflammation. Surgery involves dental scaling and root planning. This is a procedure in which the dentist has a tartar and plaque fixed on the roots of the teeth while treating the gum. So that the gums can be fixed as soon as possible.


Home remedies

Household tips are extremely effective in the treatment of gum swelling and its symptoms and give you comfort and comfort.

Here are a few:

Salt water pellets

According to one study, salting or soaking with salted water relaxes the gums and speeds up their recovery. Salt has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties and promotes bacterial growth within the mouth. Works resistant and reduces the bacteria in the gums that cause inflammation.

Mix one teaspoon of salt in 1 glass of warm water and keep this solution in your mouth for 30 seconds and rinse it. Repeat this process 2-3 times a day.

Turmeric gel

One study has shown that turmeric gel protects the gum and tooth plaque, preventing gum inflammation. A compound called Curry Mine is found in turmeric.

It has anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory properties. After washing the mouth thoroughly with a brush, apply turmeric gel for 10 minutes and rinse it with clean fresh water.


Elvira is another effective treatment for swollen gums. Prepare a mouth wash by squeezing a teaspoon of aloe vera gel in water and thoroughly rinsing it.

It is useful to do this procedure 2 times a day for 10 days

Cold and hot water

Irrigation with cold and warm water also relieves pain and also reduces the swelling of the gums. For this, soak the linen cloth in warm water. Squeeze out excess water. Keep the heat from getting to the gums.

Wrap the ice cubes in a linen cloth for cold water and use it as described above.

The Special Isles

According to a research published in the European General of Dantopistry, paper mint oil 'thyme oil' protects against the spread of many diseases that cause micro-organism inside the mouth.

Any of the following Essential Oils can be used. Put 3 drops of Essential Oil of your choice in hot water for 30 seconds, rotate it in your mouth in a bedside manner for 30 seconds. Have to do

Every bus and condiments

Some types of bushes and spices such as clove powder or turmeric, etc., soothe the gums due to their anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Mix spices of your choice in water and make a paste directly. Put it on your gums and leave for a few minutes.

Wash your mouth thoroughly with water.

Tea Bags

Black Tea's HubbleSix Tea and Green Tea contain astringent tannins, while ginger and chemo -ile teas are rich in anti-inflammatory properties. Teens in tea reduce the incidence of inflammatory gums. Put and wait for 5 minutes. As the tea bags cool down, place them directly on the gums for at least 5 minutes.

How to prevent gum swelling

Brush your teeth twice daily.

Use floss daily.

Even after brushing and flossing, use a mouthwash to expose the nutrients hidden inside the tooth.

Use sweet treats.

See a  Professional dentist every six months for a dental examination 

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