Dental experts believe that almost half of the human illnesses are caused by bad teeth. That's why teeth are the most important part of the human body. In order to survive, humans need food and healthy teeth to eat, because any food that comes into the stomach is possible through the teeth. Do not let your teeth get damaged and gum. Inside the gut and contents enter the gastrointestinal tract, and then the person becomes infected with a variety of diseases.
Sometimes teeth become so bad that it becomes difficult to eat and has to be spent on a soft diet only.
If dental hygiene is initiated from childhood, it is not possible to cause impairment even at the age of 100.
Whenever there is a disease in the teeth, etc. it is due to our deficiency. It is important to clean the teeth after each meal or else the food gets stuck in the teeth and after a while, the decomposition begins. The teeth go away and then the teeth begin to fill up.
And thus you may lose the blessing of eating. Therefore it is very important to brush or brush after eating. The brush you use for your beautiful teeth is neither too soft nor too hard. ۔
Beautiful teeth add to the beauty of your face, and white beads like toothpaste add to your beauty.
If any of the front teeth are removed, the beauty of the face is lost, so everyone wants his or her teeth not to be damaged for a long time, so it is very important to have men or women to inspect their teeth occasionally.
If the teeth are full, the main reason is that you have stopped paying attention to the teeth, which can cause the teeth to become yellowish.
It is caused by a combination of bacteria and food, and is extremely hard and then hard to get. Games usually occur at the intersections of the teeth and where the teeth and gums collide. Mild grit seems to affect the tooth enamel slowly, so the grease must be removed from the teeth otherwise it will either create gaps inside the teeth or leave them completely gripped.
If the teeth are not cleaned after eating, the gallbladder begins to gnash on the teeth within a few hours. If you turn the tongue over your teeth, the grime becomes instantaneous, so you do not need to grit your teeth. Give it a try or else it will be difficult. When the gum on the teeth touches the gums, it injures them. Then, when brushed, the gums are injured and the flowers also go away.
In this case, you should go to the dentist so that it can be cured at an early stage. You should follow these methods to protect your teeth.
Clean the teeth at least twice a day and thoroughly so that the teeth are cleaned Some people quickly brush their teeth, which does not serve the purpose of cleaning and brush the inside of the teeth with a brush. So that no part is left clean and the cleaning should be done not with haste but with full attention.
Brushes should be used medium. The brush should not be too hard which will expose the natural toothbrush. The same brush should not be used for several months. According to experts, the brush should be replaced every three months. After that, the food trapped inside the space between the two teeth should be extracted with a good kind of toothpick and then the brushing process is started.
If the teeth stuck in the teeth are not removed, how often they are brushed will prove to be useless. According to the dentist, a dental specialist should be inspected every six months after which the water does not feel cold. Refer to Maximize water use Do not use beverages that contain high levels of acidity as these drinks can remove the natural tooth decay.
While brushing your teeth, hold the brush as if writing a pen. Use the brush to gently and comfortably. Use the brush to cover the gaps or gaps between the teeth. It also removes particles of food that may be hidden inside them. Nutrients and cigarettes damage both teeth and prevent the appearance of white-toothed teeth, so cigarettes should always be avoided.
By using a good toothbrush, standard toothpaste, and the right brushing technique, you can keep your teeth and gums healthy and look beautiful to them. The occurrence of holes and plaque in the teeth makes them weak and Gums are also affected, so choose a toothpaste that contains fluoride. Flow raids cause dental resistance against holes and plaque Some toothpaste is specially written for perforation and inhalation odor. Some toothpaste contains try-silane