Depression may be a very real and treatable illness. Understanding the facts about depression can save lives.
1. Depression Is quite Ordinary Sadness
Sadness may be a part of being human, a natural reaction to painful circumstances. All folks will experience sadness at some point in our lives. Depression, however, may be a physical illness with more symptoms than an unhappy mood.
The Difference Between Depression and Sadness
Screen Yourself for Depression Symptoms
2. Depression Doesn't Always Have a Reason
Sometimes people become depressed for what looks like an honest reason - maybe they lost their job or an in-depth friend gave up the ghost - but with depressive disorder, there doesn't necessarily need to be a reason for a way you are feeling. Chemicals within the brain are liable for mood control out balance and you'll feel bad albeit everything in your life goes well.
How are you able to Be Depressed for No Reason?
3. Children aren't resistant to Depression
A myth exists that says childhood may be a joyful, carefree time in our lives. While children don't experience an equivalent problem that adults do, like work-related stress or financial pressures, this does not mean that they can not become depressed. Childhood brings its own unique set of stresses, like bullying and therefore the struggle for peer acceptance.
Childhood Depression
4. Depression may be a Real Illness
You are not weak or crazy. Depression may be a real illness that is caused by a chemical imbalance within your brain.
What Causes Depression
5. Depression Is Treatable
You do not get to suffer if you've got depression. There are several treatment options available to you, including medications and psychotherapy.